Be Not Afraid February Devlog

Hello, Halbury Angel enthusiasts! This is my February Devlog for "Be Not Afraid." This month has been busy with creativity, coding, and design as I've taken significant strides in quest design, audio experimentation, and terrain creation. Let's dive into the updates.

Quest Design and Implementation

The main focus this month was on refining the design and implementing quests that players will encounter. The goal is to create quests that are not only challenging but also deeply woven into the lore of "Be Not Afraid," providing players with a rich narrative experience and staying true to the clunky RE-style puzzles that inspired them. 

I've tried to keep these quests short and sweet as this is the first game where I'm using some new packages. I'm still learning new things and trying to make use of the tools available to me.

Audio Experimentation

Audio is a critical component of a good horror game. This month has a lot of trial and error in terms of audio. Here are some of the things I had a go at that didn't feel quite right:

  •  Recording my voice with heavy pitch distortion and glitchy effects
  • Splicing together different parts of sentences from different voices (i.e. akin to the Master in the OG fallout)
  • Recording myself talking backwards and reversing it, very twin peaks but not as spooky

Finally, I decided to use a SAM (Simulated Automatic Mouth) tool to generate dialogue as it could reliably deliver spooky-sounding audio. I am also a big fan of the text-to-speech audio used in games like The Unholy Trinity  which uses similar methods.

Terrain Creation

Creating an immersive world for "Be Not Afraid" wouldn't be complete without a meticulously designed terrain. This month, I've gone back to the terrain design and tried to make it a bit more 'British' looking. It's easy to get carried away with Unity's terrain tool to make insane mountain ranges but that's not very representative of a dull caravan park in England. 

Looking Ahead

As we wrap up this productive month, March promises to be another busy chapter in the development of "Be Not Afraid," with plans to introduce some enemies, sprinkle in some more lore about the Halbury Angel, and delve deeper into character development. Thank you so much for your support and enthusiasm for this game, and I'll be back next month to share more updates with you soon.

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